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For years, diabetes tech company Dexcom has been striving to get its continuous glucose monitors into the hands of type 2 diabetes patients. Last week at the American Diabetes Association’s conference, the company unveiled plans for software built entirely for these patients, including ones who don’t take insulin.

“We’ve been so focused on things that match the needs of somebody who manages diabetes every minute of every day, and insulin delivery,” Kevin Sayer, CEO of Dexcom, told STAT. “This new product is going to be designed to address the needs of somebody with diabetes who’s not doing that, who has type 2 diabetes and is on other drugs.”


Continuous glucose monitoring is already well-established among people with type 1 diabetes, who rely on constant insulin therapy. The technology, which helps patients noninvasively monitor their blood sugar levels and control their insulin pump in real time, has grown rapidly in use over the years, culminating in a $5 billion market.

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