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Too many of my Twitter interactions with biotech-loving retail investors are unpleasant. If I write an article raising doubts about a small drugmaker’s clinical trial results, or if I call out misleading statements made by an overly promotional biotech CEO, the responses I receive from people who own the stock generally run the gamut from “f—k you, you clueless a–hole” to “I hope you get cancer and die.”

And sometimes, the replies to my work get really nasty.


Last week, however, I had an unexpected and altogether more pleasant encounter with a biotech-investing stranger that’s worth writing about as a reminder that 1. Twitter is not always a social media sewer; and 2. Investing (or trading) in small-cap biotech stocks, particularly without subject matter expertise, carries the same risk as walking through an active minefield. Inevitably, you can blow up.

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