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Under mounting pressure, Novo Nordisk plans to cut U.S. list prices for several insulin products by up to 75%, the latest big drugmaker to take such a step in response to a years-long outcry over the cost of the diabetes treatments.

The company plans to cut the list price of its NovoLog insulin by 75%, and the prices for Novolin and Levemir by 65% starting in January 2024. Novo will also lower prices for its unbranded insulin products to match the reduced price of its corresponding brand-name insulin treatments.


“We have been working to develop a sustainable path forward that balances patient affordability, market dynamics, and evolving policy changes,” said Steve Albers, senior vice president, market access & public affairs at Novo Nordisk, in a statement. “Novo Nordisk remains committed to ensuring patients living with diabetes can afford our insulins, a responsibility we take seriously.”

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