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GLP-1s, a class of drugs including Ozempic and Wegovy that have become widely popular for treating obesity and diabetes, are also being studied for NASH, a form of fatty liver disease. But a new small study suggests GLP-1s may not dominate the disease area as they have others.

Akero Therapeutics tested its experimental medicine efruxifermin in conjunction with a GLP-1, and found that patients taking the combination had reduced liver fat and improved markers of liver scarring compared with those taking just a GLP-1, the company said Monday.


“There has been speculation that maybe GLP-1 is so effective in diabetes and obesity that it’s really going to be the key for NASH treatment as well,” said Jonathan Young, co-founder and chief operating officer at Akero. But, the company’s results show that “GLP-1 alone may not be adequate for the complex pathogenesis of NASH.”

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