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BOSTON — On a Friday morning in July, an internal medicine resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center stood up in front of a crowded room of fellow trainees and laid out a case for them to solve. A 39-year-old woman who had recently visited the hospital had felt pain in her left knee for several days, and had developed a fever.

Zahir Kanjee, a hospitalist at Beth Israel, flashed the results of the patient’s labs on the screen, followed by an X-ray of her knee, which had fluid buildup around the joint. Kanjee tasked the residents with presenting their top four possible diagnoses for the patient’s condition, along with questions about the patient’s medical history and other examinations or tests they might pursue.


But before they split into groups, he had one more announcement. “We’re going to give you this thing called GPT-4,” he said, “and you’re going to take a few minutes and you can use it however you want to see if it might help you.”

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